How To Install Star Wars Battlefront On Mac With Crossover

How To Install Star Wars Battlefront On Mac With Crossover 4,5/5 3076 reviews

First download the Star Wars Battlefront 2 Classic Game Installers files from your GOG game library using the “Offline backup game installer” (not GOG Galaxy) into your download folder. Then Click “Install” to download and create. 'Come on, come on.Fracking die already!' A boy playing Star Wars: Battlefront II said irritatly as his Snowspeeder flew circles around an AT-AT walker with the towline activated. The boy looked to be 17 years old with brown eyes, and short brown hair. He was wearing a.

  1. Star Wars Battlefront Review
  2. How To Install Star Wars Battlefront On Mac With Crossover Download

Co-written with help with Patriot-112 and Dragonknightryu

'Come on, come on..Fracking die already!' A boy playing Star Wars: Battlefront II said irritatly as his Snowspeeder flew circles around an AT-AT walker with the towline activated. The boy looked to be 17 years old with brown eyes, and short brown hair. He was wearing a pair of black/red shorts and a crimson red shirt.

Finally, his Snowspeeder made the last turn, and the towline disconected just as the Imperial Walker was destroyed. 'HA! Finally!' He cheered as he moved the Snowspeeder away.

'Took ya long enough.' A voice next to him said, and he turned around to see a slightly older looking boy who stood at the exact same height as he did, only his hair was much longer than the boy's, and shaggier. He was wearing a pair of ripped blue jeans, a grey shirt with the Kentuckey Wildcat's symbol on it, and also wearing a Blue/White hat with the same image. 'Now could you please stop flying around and fucking help me already!'

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The boy, Jordan Tackett, rolled his eyes. 'Fine, coming.' He said as the turned the stick of his PS2 controller around to where his Older Brother, Matthew was being pinned down by a few other Players online.

On Matthew's screen, he was currently a Rebel Trooper, and he was firing his blaster rifle at the seemingly endless waves of Players and Computer-generated enemies. 'Damnit Dennis, a little help would be nice right now!'

sitting next to Jordan, a Peurto Rican boy who as about as old as Jordan was, with short black had, and onyx eyes nodded. He was wearing Blue Jeans and a Crimson Red hoodie. 'No meu caminho Matthew' (Translation: On my way, Matthew) he said. 'Just one second..' Then, in three sniper shots, three Snowtroopers fell to the ground as Dennis Diaz fired his Sniper Rifle from afar in his Sniping Position. Dennis grinned. 'Boom, heatshot!' He said.

'Thanks, here comes Jordan.' Matthew said just as Jordan's speeder flew by on a straifing run, firing its laser cannons at anyone below him.

Right now, it was another 'Game Night' at Jordan and Matthew's home. Jordan invited his friend Dennis to come over and play, while his Brother Matthew and his Wife also showed up just for the heck of it. Jordan also had a few of his friends onile playing with them as well.

Speaking of online, Jordan then picked up the Microphone on the floor. 'Josh, where are you?' he asked on their team speak.

'Where the hell do you think?' Joshua Grey, one of Jordan's closest friends shouted. 'I'm on the complete other side of the map taking down Walker after Walker over here! All I got are a bunch of CP's and..Oh fuck me! Here comes Patriot and Ryu! Die! Die! Die!'

'Dude! What the hell!' Shouted a voice as one Snowtrooper Marksman labeled Patriot-112 fell to the ground, after getting hit by a laser turret, 'Oh now it's on BEE-OTCH!'

The sound of a person sighing could be heard as the Imperial Engineer labeled Dragonknightryu fired his shotgun at the Turret Josh was inside. 'Don't you realize how easy it is to kill a person in a turret?' He asked as the Engineer through a Detpack and activated it destroying the turret and killing Josh 'Seriously.'


At Josh's House


'Hey, It took out those Walker's pretty fast.' Joshua Grey said. He was a 17 year old boy who was about two inches taller than Jordan was, and had short Reddish Blonde hair and blue eyes. He was wearing an ACDC shirt and a pair of blue jeans and sandals. 'Ok, guys. I respawned in the Hanger, should I grab a speeder or Tauntaun?'

'Grab a Tauntaun, and get over here FAST!' Matthew said. 'I'm trapped in the second bunker, and I got that last AT-AT pushing my way. Jordan's trying to kill it-' 'FUCKING HELL!' '-Jordan just died, and Dennis is sniping anyone that Spawn's around it.'

'Josh, is there a Speeder still in the Hanger?' Jordan asked as he waited to spawn.

'Uhh..' Josh said as he looked through the hanger as he spawned as a Rebel Smuggler. 'Ya, there is. One speeder. I'll take the rear seat, you fly?'

'Right, spawning.' Jordan said as he spawned as a Rebel Vanguard. 'Ok, let's kick some Robot Camel ass!'

'Robot Camel's? Seriously?' Another person on the mike said, labeled to a guy named 'Sarge23' said. 'A Family Guy Refferance? Weak.'

'Hey! That was a great movie!' Jordan shouted, not so loud that it would have deafen them, but still pretty loud as He and Josh took off in the Snowspeeder. 'You think it was a good movie too, right Matthew? Dennis?..guys?'

'Sure, Jordan. Sure.' Matthew said, and Josh could tell he was probobly rolling his eyes.

'I thought it was good.' Dennis said, or at least that's what Josh thought he said. It's tough making out what he was saying because of his accent.

'I second that!' Josh said as their Speeder approached the Walker harrasing Dennis and Matthew, which just so happened to be piloted by Sarge23. 'Ok, let's nail him!'

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At Patriot-112 and Sarge23's house


Two young men in their early twenties were sitting in a bedroom, playing on the PS2. One was a 22 year old wearing a pair of Levi jeans, a white t-shirt, and a pair of tennis shoes. The other was 23, and was wearing the US Army ACU, with the tan army boots only with the shirt jacket removed revealing a tan t-shirt underneath. They both have the same dark colored hair with the same haircut, though the eyes were different, as the older of them had light green eyes, while the other had regular brown eyes.

The younger, D.J Cobb turned his head around 'Chad! Hurry up!' he called out. 'Me and Daniel can't keep you covered for much longer!'

'Ya! If you don't get back, i'm just ditching the AT-AT and let it get blow up with you still in it!' the older, Daniel Cobb shouted as well as he fired on the bunker where Matthew was in, while D.J who spawned as a Sniper was now looking for wherever the hell Dennis was. Dragonknightryu managed to find an AT-ST destroying all of the Turrets.

'I'm coming! Geez!' A voice shouted back, shorly after came the sound of flushing, and a minute later a young man with a Five-o-clock shadow beard, short blonde hair, blue eyes, and a pair of glasses walked in.

'Took ya long enough Chad,' D.J. teased

'Well sorry, I had to take a dump!' Chad retorted as he took his and grabbed his controller as he retook the Co-pilot position in the AT-ST.

'Yeah. Right' D.J. said sarcastically, 'Just make sure you cleaned up after yourself, buddy.'

Chad sent a Glare towards D.J 'What the hell is that suppose to mean?' he said.

'Nothing Chad..nothing.' D.J said with a light chuckle at the end before returning to the game. 'Dammit where the hell is that kid? Is he fucking invisible or something?' How to make a remix on garageband mac.

'No, I'm just very hard to find.' Dennis said, with a light chuckle. 'Oh, and uh..your dead.'

'What do you mean-OH FUCK YOU! YOU BASTARD!' D.J said as his Marksman was sniped by Dennis from wherever he was. It was then Jordan and Josh in a Speeder showed up and started spinning around their AT-AT.

'I got him!' Chad said as he exited the AT-AT as a Shocktrooper, Missile Launcher out and ready as he began to lock onto the Snowspeeder..but the moment he got a lock he was sniped by Dennis. 'FUCK!' He shouted as Dennis laughed.

'Don't worry, I got him.' Ryu said as he spawned in as a Dark Trooper, and used his Jump Jet to hop over the Bunker while charging his Arc gun. He landed right next to a Rebel Marksman who was labeled 'Darkassassin12' aka Dennis.

'Oh shit!' Dennis shouted as he got out of his crouching position and tried to kill Ryu, however Ryu acted quicker and fired his Arc gun, killing Dennis. 'Aww, dammit.'

'Thanks, Ryu.' D.J said, with a smirk. 'Its about time we got him!'


At Dragonknightryu's house


'That's what you get for being predictable,' A man with short brown hair and dark brown eyes in is early twenties stated as he adjusted his Toronto Maple Leaf's hat, he was also wearing a black t-shirt with black jeans and a pair of hiking boots 'I mean c'mon really? Trying to hide from a Canadian on Hoth is pointless.'

'Ah, shut up you bloody Mounty.' Dennis pouted. 'You got lucky is all!'

'Keep telling yourself that Dennis.' Daniel said with a chuckle. 'Anyways, this thing is almost dead, I'm bailing.' he then bailed out of the Walker, and just a few seconds later Jordan and Josh manage to destroy the AT-AT, and it fell to the ground just before exploding.

Tom Johnson, aka Dragonknightryu, activated his Dark Trooper's jump jet again as he switched to his Commando pistol and gunned down a few CP Rebel's as he soared through the air landing next to Daniel.

'Okay Danny, old boy. Let's take the fight to them!,' Tom said and he heard a sputter in response.

'Don't call me that!' the sounds of snickering were heard as everyone continued the game.

'Oh, you don't like being called Danny? Eh Danny Boy?' Matthew said with a chuckle.

'Shut up!' Daniel shouted, as the others continued to laugh. 'It's not funny!'

'As much as I love seeing my Older Brother suffer, we got a game to win.' D.J said as his AT-ST attempted to shoot down Jordan and Josh's Snowspeeder who was flying circles around them.

'Right, Daniel, come on, let's take down Matt and Kelsey while she's AFK.' Tom said as he moved his Dark Trooper towards the bunker, and Chad arrived via Tauntaun and began to Co-pilot Patriot's AT-ST.


At Jordan and Matthew's house


'Oh damn, Kelsey get back here! Now!' Matt called out as he and the others tried to hold them off, while inside the bunker a single Bothan Spy stood motionless.

It was at that moment that from another room came a girl about as old as Matthew was, and had brown eyes, and brown hair tied into a poney-tail, and was wearing blue jeans and a brown shirt. They all noticed that her stomach was swolen up a bit, indicating pregnancy. 'Sorry, guys.' She said as she sat down in the chair next to Matthew, grabbing her controller. 'Todd's being a little fussy today.' She rubbed her stomach a bit 'I think he's gonna turn out just like you, Matthew.'

'God help the world if he does..' Jordan muttered to Dennis, who snorted.

Back to the game, Kelsey retook command of her Bothan Spy character and retreated down the hallway's that lead to the Rebel HQ, with Matthew following close by firing his blaster wildly in an attempt to keep Daniel and Tom away. At the end of the Hallway Dennis arrived and began providing some sniping support keeping the enemies away while the two retreated.

Seeing how they managed to retreat, Jordan and Josh flew their speeder away, seeing how it was already half-dead. 'Ok so, what's the count right now?' Jordan asked.

'We have about 25 Reenforcments left for us.' Josh said as their speeder flew into the hanger where they landed meeting up with Matthew, Dennis and Kelsey. 'They just got to 50. We also lost all the other Command Posts besides the hanger. What do we do?'

'Well, I don't think we should go on the offensive, seeing how we don't have many Respawn's left.' Matthew said. 'So, I think we should just hold out here. Dennis, take up a new Sniping position somewhere, Jordan, you guard the main enterance while me and Josh guard the Bunker-enterance. Kelsey, switch your class to a Wookie Warrior and help Jordan out.'

'What about the CP's?' Jordan asked 'They'll just keep on attacking until our Reenforments hit Zero, and we loose.'

'This Map is so big, it'll be tough for Patriot and the others to find just a handful of Computer-Generated enemies.' Dennis said. 'They know we're all in the Hanger, so we should use that to our advantage and hold them off here.'

'I say, what do we got to loose?' Josh said. 'Let's do this!'


At D.J and Daniel's house


'Ok guys, what are we gonna do?' D.J asked as He, his brother, Chad, and Tom were now gathered inside the bunker they controlled. At the moment, Tom was still a Dark Trooper, D.J was an Imperial Marksman, Chad was a Shocktrooper, while Daniel was a Snowtrooper.

'Well, the others will most likely be in the hanger, so our best bet will be to go there,' Daniel mused.

'I second that,' Chad agreed.

'Me too,' Tom also agreed on the mike.

'Alright, here's how it's gonna go down,' D.J. began, 'Daniel, you and I will go through the tunnels to the hanger bay, while Chad and Tom, you guys take the hanger head on and distract them long enough so we can flank and ambush 'em, agreed?'

'Right, but I think you should change your class D.J to an Engineer.' Daniel said. 'It's close quarters, no place for a Sniper.' D.J nodded as he did that, and he then switched into an Engineer at the Command post.

'Alright, let's go!' D.J said as he and Daniel ran down the passage ways, while Tom and Chad went for the AT-ST to strike the front gate. D.J and Daniel managed to find a few Imperial CP's and got them to follow them into the tunnel's.

However, when they passed the room where all the Computers and such were, after making another turn they were forced back as blaster fire near-missed them. 'Whoa! Back up!' D.J said as he and his brother back up just in time avoiding getting turned intp swiss cheese. However one of the Stor Troopers following them wasn't so lucky, and was gunned down.

'Looks like they were expecting us,' Daniel commented.

'Thank you Captain Obvious, tell me somethig I don't know ' D.J. said sarcastically, and Chad & Tom laughed while his brother glared at him.

'Hold on,' Daniel growled a bit, as he ran into the command center dodging blaster fire and making his Snowtrooper jump and roll to a cover. At that moment, the Rebel Trooper's DH-17 blaster rifle ran out of ammo, giving Daniel the time to shoot him in the head.

'Whoa, shit!' Josh shouted as he fired his shotgun, killing Daniel's character. 'That's not good..Matt you better hurry up and respawn!'

'I am! I am!' Matthew said. While Josh and D.J entered a duel of shotguns, dodging each others shots, and firing at any opertunity they had.

However, D.J got lucky, and he managed to kill Josh with a shot of his gun when he tried to dodge his last shot. 'Ha! Got ya.' D.J said. 'Now you better get over here Daniel or-'

However D.J was cut off as his Character suddenly started taking damage, and soon dissipeared. 'WHAT THE HELL?' D.J shouted, while Matthew was laughing on the mike as he appeared as a Bothan Spy. 'Payback's a bitch, ain't it?'

'You Cockbite!' D.J. yelled, 'I'm so gonna get yer ass, now!'

And with that he moved to options and went to game options. He grinned evilly as he looked at the added feature.

'It's a good thing I've upgraded this PS2 to take computer Mods,' he said, with an insane glow to his eye, worrying Chad and Daniel.

'Uh, are you sure that's a good idea?' Daniel asked, worried. 'This could technically be called hacking.'

'That is a risk I AM WILLING TO TAKE!' and with that, he activated the Mod.

It was with that one click of a button, that the fates of all nine of them were changed forever.

At first, the game simply got a bit laggy, and unresponsive. 'Dude, what the hell! My game's all laggy now!' Josh shouted.

'Same here, damnit Patriot what did you do?' Tom said, annoyed.

'It's the same over here.' Jordan said. 'What the hell's going..'

Whatever Jordan was about to say was cut off as the screen's to all of their T.V's went blank, and then suddenly a glowing white crack appeared on their screen's, and it was slowly growing.

Star Wars Battlefront Review

'What the..fuck?' Chad voiced the thought of everyone as the crack began to open, and everyone started to hear a strange wooshing sound.

How To Install Star Wars Battlefront On Mac With Crossover Download

It was then, with a massive flash of light on each of their respective T.V's that they were blinded for a moment, and in the next moment..they were gone.